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Dr. Everlena Jones-Walker
4th Grade Reading/ELA
Dr. Rosalind Tyson-Bey
4th Grade Math/Science
Yolanda Washington
4th Grade Science and Social Studies
Desmond Deramus
5/6 Grade Social Studies
Keera Floyd
5/6 Grade Reading
Patricia Miller
5/6 Grade ELA
Kimberly Flowers
7/8 Grade Math
Hope Miller
7/8 Grade ELA
Evelyn Rudolph
7/8 Grade Reading
Mark Warren
7/8 History
Mandy Gann
ARI Instructor
Takeita Hall
STEAM Instructor
Tiasia Davis
SPED Instructor
Santana Walters
SPED Instructor
Brandon Chesson
Physical Education
Jasmine Horne
Physical Education
James Joseph
Physical Education
Alonzo Caldwell
Music Teacher
Stewart Hobbie
LEAD Instructional Technology Director
Angela Larcheveaux
Instructional Technology Specialist